This is a movie basket that some of the older grades did. It has DVDs, sodas, popcorn, movie box candy and 2 Blockbuster gift cards for $5.00 each. They decided to put into a black plastic trash can.
This was all breakfast type items. From muffin mix to honey buns. Also contained pop tarts, cereal bars, coco mix, pancake mix, bread mix with bread dish.
This picture turned out blurry but the box turned out so cute. We were having trouble deciding what kind of container to put everything in because it was so much. We found this bigger box and wrapped in bulletin board paper. Then we used box tape to tape packaged paper items around the entire box. This freed up a lot of space in the inside of the box and allowed it to be seen better. You could say we thought outside of the box on this one. Then we arranged everything else as cute as possible and added tissue paper at the end where we thought it needed it. Let me tell you this box was completely filled from the bottom up. Some of the items included: wrapping paper, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, paper plates, coloring books, cross word books, puzzle books, note pads, books, notebooks, and stickers.
This is a laundry basket. Neat idea to use the laundry basket to display items. This basket had iron, Gain, Tide, Shout, fabric softener sheets, fabric softener liquid, spray starch, and hangers. Again we added yellow tissue to make more decorative.
This one was baked goods. All items to bake with. Mostly mixes and icings. Was put into decorative box.
Here is the cleaning bucket. They combined all things in bucket. Contained all sorts of cleaning product.
This one was all gift cards totalling $155.00 We got $135 out of I think. It included IHop, ITunes, local hair salon, local steak house, Wal-mart, gas card for BP, Chic-fil-a, Walgreens, and a few others. This one the teacher packaged already and taped the gift cards on painted popsicle sticks to look like bouquet of gift cards.
This one was Gone Fishin. We had to think creative since had 2 fishing poles in it. We found a taller box then wrapped it orange bulletin board paper. It also contained fishing line, fishing lures, plastic worms, hand sanitizer, $10.00 gift card to Target, tackle box, floaters, and several more items.
This one was survival. Would be good for someone who camps a lot. Just put it straight in the camper. It contained lantern, batteries, hand sanitizer, hand warmers, first aid kits, extra wound medicine, band aids, flash lights, emergency blanket, sewing kit, sunscreen and so much more.